Cyber Security Support Program
Your Clients Have Spent Years Building Their Business, Don't Let Cyber-Criminals Destroy It In Seconds.
Our easy-to-understand and explained REDXRAY® allows you to protect your clients from targeted cyber threats better. You and your client can decide what will be best for both parties:
Consultants can view their entire portfolio on one dashboard and handle more clients each month, increasing revenues.
Consultants can view only notified changes instead of pouring over all content for every enrolled client. Saves time and resources every day.
A Consultant can receive notifications and advise a client of needed actions; the client can receive them if desired.
REDXRAY can help with ongoing compliance for all clients.
Consultants can manage the entire service and inform clients that the best cyber threat service protects them.
The daily report includes counts for each category and is visually attractive as fields with issues are noted with a red light, and fields with no problems are represented with a green light. Red Sky® Alliance has extensive intelligence/ information/documentation behind each threat recorded. Using the time-filter feature, companies can view all archived threats over time or view activity for the past day, week, month, or 90 days.
For a demo, pricing, and options, please get in touch with Jim McKee at